Have faith in your doubt

Ajay Amitabh Suman
1 min readMar 26, 2023


In the name of superstition, faith we are often mislead. We believe black cats and number thirteen to be unlucky. But why? If educated persons like us will not questions these blind faith, superstitions , then who will?After all, if you nurture any doubt against the blind faith prevailing in Society, you must persist with it. Other wise in the name of blind faith, superstitions, religion, people will be getting fooled forever.

Have Faith in your doubt

They warn us of black cats ,
and broken glass,
And that number thirteen ,
brings fear in mass.

By tales of black magic and ,
tales of the dead,
In the name of tradition ,
we are often mislead.

Why to swallow these lies,
hook, line, and plot?
Why not to question if ,
these are true or not?

That how can a dead ,
speak through a mouth?
If suspicious arises ,
have faith in your doubt.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
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Ajay Amitabh Suman

[IPR Lawyer & Poet] Delhi High Court, India Mobile:9990389539